Thursday, May 2, 2013

Trend 2013

2013 Trend 
In 2013 there are many trend coming such as : Punk, Pastel colour, Crazy fur,  Mid-century, Digital print.

Punk style i think it for the people who love to be independent, confident, sexy and like a rock star. It not suitable for who like to be elegant and feminine.

I really love this punk style because of the colour mix up and the print also

Pastel Color
In my opinion pastel color it really look nice with any skin tone. Pastel colour really can help to keep our mood feel good.

Crazy fur
Fur is really look high class in the dress or cloth, but for the casual wear it really hot when we wearing it

I really like the mid-century trend style the most because the shape of the mid-century trend call new look. New look made women who wear that feel like more feminine, high class, confident and also comfortable. New look can be wear with young adult and middle age

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